We want you to enjoy your new item(s). If you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer refunds on unused merchandise with original packaging. You have 30 days to send it back to us and we’ll refund you for the purchase price. (Original shipping charges will not be refunded) Hedgren reserves the right to approve all returns, and maintains the right to refuse returns if they do not comply with this policy.

Warranty exchanges
Hedgren provides a two-year warranty (5 years for hard-shell luggage) against material and manufacturing defects, which is valid from the date of purchase. If you find such a defect within the warranty period, please take a photo of the damage and email it to Hedgren's customer service. Hedgren will repair or replace the product at its own discretion and free of charge. But don’t forget: for your warranty claim to be valid, you must be able to show a proof of purchase.
Important: the warranty is limited to the purchase price of the product. So, it does not cover damage caused by any of the following: incorrect use, negligence, carelessness, scratches, tearing, exposure to extreme temperatures, solvents, acid or water, normal wear, damage by normal use or transportation damage (at airline companies for example).
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